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sBaby’s first pap: when to start?
And as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), “exclusive breastfeeding for six months” is recommended to allow for the introduction of age-appropriate foods from then on. It recommended continuing breastfeeding for up to 2 years or more when both mother and child are ready.
Once breastfeeding has begun after the baby is born, whether breast milk or artificial milk, doubts often arise as to the best time to introduce complementary foods and use peps. Purees and compotes.
And although some pediatricians recommend that the mother start giving baby food very soon, it is more advisable to wait until at least six months of age. But let’s go by parts.
What are porridges?
Porridges one could define porridges as a preparation of a specific food served in a comminuted form. We can mention fruits and vegetables or cereals (mixed with milk) among the available nutrition.
It usually starts with granola. If so, at this stage, the grain must be gluten-free and combine grains that do not contain wheat, oats, barley or rye in its composition. Rice, corn, tapioca or soy are usually the most suitable.
It’s also an ideal time to start introducing fruit purees. Fruits such as pears, apples and bananas stand out as they are easy to digest and rarely cause allergic reactions.
And when it comes to starting with mashed vegetables or tubers, we can mention carrots, sweet potatoes, beets and parsnips for their sweeter flavor and much softer texture.
When to start with porridges?
As mentioned initially, many pediatricians advise starting from the 4th month of life with complimentary food. However, this would strongly conflict with the recommendation of the WHO and other health institutions to breastfeed exclusively for at least six months.
For this reason, attempts are being to ensure that the introduction of solid food begins at six months and not earlier.
What if the baby gets artificial milk?
Would it then be appropriate to start complementary feeding at four months? The truth is that it doesn’t matter if the baby drinks breast milk or formula. It recommends that the baby’s leading food is milk during the first six months of life. And only from then start to supplement it with other foods.
Therefore, it is best to start with infant porridge (whether it is muesli or fruit) from the age of 6 months. And as many pediatricians say, milk is still the best food for babies when they start solid food. That way, even when complementary feeding is bent, it should be a supplement and not a substitute.
In other words:
Milk should continue to be the baby food par excellence and, once complementary foods introduce, other foods should gradually add to it. For example, continue to feed on demand or bottle, but feed baby food with a spoon, so he starts trying new flavors and learning different textures.
Your pediatrician will tell you where and how to start, especially considering your baby’s needs.
Therefore, remember something fundamental: not reduce the baby’s milk intake when introducing solid foods. Milk remains the staple and ultimately the essential factor in your child’s growth and development.