Table of Contents
What is Beauty?
Beauty is a quality that we find in very diverse fields. Aesthetics, a discipline that deals with these issues, have different opinions about the nature of beauty according to the times and cultures.
God is a creative artist, and man, made in his image, is both a work of art and an artist. Ancient thinkers, both in the East and West, have seen the origin of all beauty in the divine. Since the Renaissance, the objective sense of beauty has been missing, and, after Romanticism, the artist’s figure is exceedingly exalted. He is then free to adhere or not to certain canons.
Interior and Exterior Beauty in People
We all appreciate it as an instinct; we are born with Beauty. The children in their cradle already look at the most beautiful faces they perceive. Women are susceptible to beauty, as they like to take care of their faces and figure and adorn themselves with jewellery. It is as if the feminine archetype.
Of course, “handsomeness” occurs in both sexes. Still, studies show that when a man decides to be remarkably handsome, there are certain feminine features on his face (especially eyes and mouth) regardless of his masculine appearance. It is a type of power that allows you to break through more efficiently.
Inner beauty, a noble and pleasant character, not only lasts longer as old age approaches but even makes the features more graceful, regardless of whether one is more or less handsome.
Our country is one of the countries that practice the most aesthetic surgeries—forgetting that these changes often do not harmonise well with the rest. And that to be happy, you have to accept with joyful resignation some of their physical imperfections. Hence it is essential that in the environment where one lives, there is a minimum harmony of forms, one could say an adequate degree of it, which is not always easy in our days of crushing technology.
Beauty in Art and Nature
Nature and the cosmos are nature and the primordial kingdom of it, where it manifests itself with more extraordinary splendour. From the silent music of spheres” played by the movement of the planets around the sun to the course of rivers and seas to the colour and diversity of plant and animal forms, a whole symphony of life stretches out before us. And this is through certain rhythms and proportions.
There is nothing to do. Just contemplate with gratitude tinged with awe that beauty. But it is also in human nature to project the beautiful through their actions. It is how art itself was born, which is limited to the execution of the simplest objects and is enlarged a little more by building temples where numinous or spiritual influences (of God, gods, or angels) can manifest.
In these ancient times, there was no cult of beauty in the sense of aestheticism, nor an excessive appreciation of the artist, a mere craftsman in such cases. If beauty is a matter of artists or more or less sophisticated people, it is a frequent error of appreciation, as is mistaking beauty for perfection.
No true beauty is absent from technical or formal imperfections. The beautiful purity of a bone china vase is “imperfect” compared to a soda can’s soulless “perfection. Irregularity, the unexpected, surprise or stupor are essential and characteristic elements of it.”
There are many forms of beauty and various landscapes without being able to decide whether a sandy desert is more or less beautiful than a jungle or a glacier.
The Beauty of The Golden Number
The world and its beauty would obey mathematical and musical laws. The so-called “Golden Number” has particular relevance, whose value is 1,618 and represents by the Greek letter. It has proven that the growth of plants, the distribution of leaves of stem or petals of flowers, and the formation of shells, respond to these golden ratios. Also, the ideal proportions of the human body (remember the famous drawing by Leonardo da Vinci) obey that number: length and width of the head, phalanges of the fingers, the shape of the teeth.
The golden ratio has been used to build buildings recognised for beauty, such as the pyramid of Cheops, the Parthenon, and the Gothic cathedrals.
How to Capture the Beauty
If we have said that we are beauty seekers, there are two ways to do it. The first is to notice its evident presence, what happens before nature, sacred art, or great geniuses’ works. The other is to discover its sparkles in the most diverse situations. Nothing has its beauty, but not everyone can see it, warns. It is like saying that it is not much in something in the eyes of those who look at them.
Of course, not everything is pretty; in the same way, there are tastier foods than others. But beauty always produces a special feeling. The pinch that flamenco lovers talk about is something ineffable that ancient Indian art treatises define as “flavour” (rasa).
The 7 Facts of Beauty
Like colours and musical notes, It can classify into seven main qualities whose combinations produce as many possible aspects of it.
It corresponds to all that glitters, gold and jewels in the material sense. Its most profound dimension is related to the presence of the spiritual in art and life.
In correspondence with the beauty that arises from the imagination or the dream. Important in poetry.
The beauty is implicit in the ability to communicate and the speed to do so—literary stories and, in particular, cinema and audiovisual media.
The naked body in art. It is linked to the beauty that arises from eroticism and voluptuousness: perfumes, dresses, interest in fashion.
The virtues of the warrior: a spirit of sacrifice and aptitude for combat. Martial arts and, by extension, sports aesthetics.
It is related to abundance and social etiquette—Theatre, opera, parades, celebrations, and commemorations around a good table.
The beauty that comes from the passage of time, the patina of old objects, the melancholy of landscapes with old buildings or ruins. The very concept of a museum.
Natural beauty has attractive features and looks naturally gorgeous without any makeup. It means your lips are beautiful without lipstick or lip balm, and your Eyes are pretty, lacking kajal or eye makeup. The face is glowing without any compacts. Everyone has natural beauty.