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Hair growth from hair follicles in the dermis is the layer of skin below the superficial and subcutaneous fat. Hair follicles are present all over the skin except for the lips, the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet. New hair originates from the hair matrix at the base of the hair follicle. The cells that live in the uterus multiply and push up. These cells quickly dehydrate, die and compact into a dense, hard mass that forms the hair shaft, which is made up of dead proteins and covered in a delicate layer (cuticle) of sheet-like scales.
Hair grows in cycles. Each cycle consists of a long growth phase followed by a short transition phase and then a short rest phase. At the end of the resting phase, the hair falls out, and a new one begins to grow in the follicle, thus repeating the cycle. Eyebrows and eyelashes have a growth phase of 1 to 6 months. Scalp hair has a growth phase of 2 to 6 years. Typically, 50 to 100 hairs are shed from the scalp each day when the end of the resting phase reach.
Hair Growth Cycle
Hair grows from the follicle or root under the covering. The hair is “fed” to complete the blood vessels at the follicle’s base, providing all the nutrients it needs to grow. Each hair goes through four different growth stages, from when it begins to grow until it falls out years later. Each strand can be in a different phase of the growth cycle.
Over time, the period of the anagen phase decreases. Therefore, the hair can become weaker and thinner after each cycle. Thus, the diet must be rich in specific nutrients to maintain healthy hair growth. It takes from two to seven years and determines the length of our hair—two to seven years.
Anagen phase (growth phase)
It lasts from the Catagen phase (transition phase)
Telogen phase (resting phase)
Exogenous phase (new hair phase)
The Magnificent Five
So here are five vitamins you need to include in your diet that will help your hair become stronger, healthier, and shinier.
Vitamin A
Besides being an excellent source of antioxidants, it helps the skin glands make sebum, and it also moisturizes the scalp and keeps hair healthy. Found in spinach, broccoli, kale, kale, brussels sprouts, nuts, dairy products, and eggs.
Vitamin B
It helps transport oxygen and nutrients to the scalp, promoting healthy, strong hair growth. In addition to supporting our defenses, it increases plasma flow to hair follicles and encourages the circulation of nutrients for good hair growth. Fast and biotin (in vegetables, dairy, meat, and fish) help replenish it. Vitamin B3 (found in wheat, rice, tuna, chicken, and sun-dried tomatoes) improves shine, and Vitamin B7 (found in peas, lentils, fish, and dairy products) repairs and helps lengthen brittle hair. You can find it in strawberries, oranges, tangerines, and kiwis.
Vitamin D
It helps form new follicles, tiny pores in the scalp where new hair can grow. It is known as the daylight vitamin because it is produced in the body and found in cheese, green leafy vegetables, seeds, and fatty fish.
Vitamin E
It is a powerful antioxidant that excites hair growth. You can find it in sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, and nuts like almonds, spinach, and avocados.
How much does Hair grow by the Day, Month, and Year?
Hair grows about 0.4 millimeters a day, one centimeter a month, and about 15 centimeters a year. In addition, “it generally grows faster in adult women than in adult men, and the growth rate decreases with age. The growth is not homogeneous because there will always be a percentage of hair in each cycle’s phases in a certain scalp area. So, for example, hair grows faster on the crown than in the time regions. In the scalp, absence of pathology, there is about 85% hair in anagen phase, 14% in the catagen, and 1% in catagen.”
Situations in which the proportion of hair in the resting phase increases:
- Thyroid disease
- Franko
- Hypokalemia
- Fever episodes
- Diets
- After delivery
Can we Grow it Faster?
More or less extreme care of the outer hair affects the growth of the hair bulb. The use of minoxidil can extend the growth phase. It blocks the action of a testosterone metabolite in the scalp, so it reverses the miniaturization of follicles (the process that causes baldness. The change is several millimeters deep—it rules out that cutting or shaving your hair makes it healthier and more robust. Note the rapid hair growth within a week before starting any treatment, be sure to eat well so that all food reaches your scalp.
Potato Water
Potatoes are rich in nutrients that promote rapid hair growth. Afterward, wash your hair normally and use potato water as a final wash. If you use it two or three times a week, you will see results.
Cut a banana peel and cut it half to get the paper core. We cut it into pieces and left it overnight in water. The next day, wash your hair with this product and repeat it twice a week.
Boil this plant in a liter of water and when it is at the right temperature, apply it to your hair.
Laser hair removal treatment. Avoid drying your scalp; olive oil is a great ally to revitalize your hair. Remember to use the correct shampoo for your age and remember that for hair to grow faster in a week, you need to be consistent in applying the remedies we suggest here. Among the millions of hairs on your body, not all are at the same stage of growth, which is why we always recommend several sessions (depending on the area) to obtain visible and definitive results. A timely assessment and determination of the condition of the site to be treated (type of hair, color, density, skin tone, etc.) will be necessary when choosing a technique, the number of sessions, the frequency, or the intensity of the treatment.
Undisputed canon of beauty, imperishable and universal, long hair never goes out of style. The more centimeters, the better. Infinite hair, abundant and well cared for, was as popular in the Renaissance as it is now. Evidence of this passion for having good hair in art, music, and literature confirms that hair length has always played a prominent role in both primitive and modern societies.