Hair Cleaning and Conditioning – More than a Shampoo

Hair Cleaning and Conditioning – Small changes in the daily gestures we use to take care of our hair can promote its health. The way of washing hair and the specific products used for it give rise to a before and after in the state and appearance of our hair. Keeping hair shiny and smooth is sometimes easier than we think if we follow the advice that specialists

1. Hair Care Tips Wash Oily Hair More Frequently

The frequency of hair washing should base on the amount of oil your scalp generates. If it’s oily, you may need to wash it daily. In the case of receiving any chemical treatment, the scalp could be drier, so it would be advisable to clean it less frequently. Finally, keep in mind that the scalp has produced less oil over the years, so it is not necessary to use Shampoo as often.

2. Concentrate the Shampoo on the scalp.

When you wash your hair, you should focus on primarily cleaning your scalp rather than passing the entire length of your hair. If you fly only the hair, it can be damaged and become more refined, dull, and coarse.

3. Use a conditioner

Using a conditioner can significantly improve the appearance of damaged or aged hair by increasing shine, reducing static electricity, improving strength, and providing some protection from harmful UV rays. Unless using a two-in-one shampoo that cleanses and conditions hair, it is recommended to use a conditioner after shampooing.

4. Concentrate the conditioner on the ends

Since conditioners can cause fine hair to lose shape, they should only be used on the ends of the hair and not on the scalp or the entire length of the hair.

5. Choose a specific shampoo and conditioner for each type of hair

If our hair is dyed, it is advisable to use a shampoo designed for colour-treated hair. If it is damaged or chemical treatments have been used on the hair, the possibility of using a two-in-one shampoo should be considered. Regardless of the financial cost, many brands of Shampoo and conditioners provide the same benefits.

6. Protect hair when swimming

If you swim in a pool, you must protect your hair from the damaging effects of chlorine by moisturizing and conditioning it before swimming. A well-fitting shower cap and shampoo formula for swimmers and a deep-acting conditioner can replace the moisture lost after bathing.

Why do we need to do Hair Cleaning and Conditioning?

Hair cleansing consists of deep cleansing the skin of the head or scalp. The scalp creates a layer of protection with sweat and sebum that acts as a barrier and protects us from the entry of microorganisms. It is prevalent that a substance is created from the remains of sebum, sweat, and dead cells that dirty the skin of the head and clog our pores, hindering the movement of the hair, its sweat, and the penetration of treatments. The Shampoo is not enough to clean this substance, and we need to clean the hair with unique products.

Who needs Hair Cleaning and Conditioning?

Hair Cleaning and Conditioning – Your hair will indeed thank you. The recommendation is that we all need it once a year to thoroughly cleanse the scalp, remove all the substances accumulated over time, and keep it balanced. But above all, some people need it, and they are:

  • People put hair products on the scalp to stop hair loss or strengthen it. What effect will the treatment have if we don’t clean the skin’s pore? Where should the product enter?
  • People who dye their hair. The dye is a chemical product that takes two to three weeks to remove from the skin with Shampoo. If we do a hair cleaning after the shade, we remove everything, releasing the aggressiveness of the product and, in some people itching and redness.
  • People with capillary abnormalities such as dandruff, itching, redness, excess sebum, excess sweat, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis. If we carry out hair cleaning, we eliminate most anomalies such as dandruff, itching, redness, and calm others like psoriasis.

Hair Cleaning and Conditioning – What not to do when Washing our Hair?

Hair Cleaning and Conditioning – As we mentioned before, there are several common myths, errors, and harmful practices that, either due to ignorance, routine, or both, we usually commit when washing our hair.

Use Shampoo only on the Hair

Contrary to what you may think, the scalp is – in reality – the part of the body that needs Shampoo the most, much more than the hair itself. This is where more fat tends to accumulate, while the ends tend to be much more dehydrated over time. Focus on cleaning your scalp and use lukewarm water to rinse it off.

Aggressive Washes

The wash, although deep, does not have to be abrupt. Go from the beginning to the tip of your hair in a gentle and friendly way using your fingers and the palms of your hands. Hair is much more vulnerable once it’s wet, making it prone to tangling or breaking if you’re too aggressive and weakening your hair follicles. We should never rub the scalp with our nails since we could generate cuts and attract infections.

Use Conditioner on the Scalp

It would help if you never used conditioner on the scalp, as this will only serve to make the root of your hair much more oily. If you want to moisturize your hair, you should work from the middle to its ends. As we mentioned before, the lots are the driest and most moisture-demanding part, so we should focus more on that part and leave the conditioner on for longer.

Wash Twice

There is a myth that you should shampoo twice before moving on to the conditioner. Indeed, this myth was perpetuated by shampoo manufacturers as there is no real reason behind it. Washing your hair twice will remove all of its natural oil, which will harm your hair and potentially damage it. Unless your hair is very oily and you feel that one wash was not enough to remove this oil, you should never wash it more than once.

Remove Conditioner with Hot Water

The best way to remove the conditioner is to stand under the shower while the cold water runs. The cold water will help close the shells and hold moisture, which will ensure that your hair doesn’t absorb more moisture from the environment and will help prevent frizz.

Rubbing your Hair with a Towel to Dry it

One of the most common mistakes when drying your hair is rubbing it with a towel. When you get out of the shower. Instead, we would have to give it a few gentle taps with the towel to remove the excess water and nothing else. Subsequently, we must let our hair dry naturally.

How to Wash our Hair Correctly?

Now that we know what we should avoid when washing and drying our hair, we will talk about the most recommended practices to prevent damage and make this a satisfactory experience:

1. Rinse Thoroughly – Hair Cleaning and Conditioning

Rinse your hair thoroughly before applying the Shampoo. The shampoo lathers more – and better – when the hair is wet. In addition, it is distributed equally. As if this were not enough, wetting your hair well before using Shampoo will also help you save, as you will notice that you will not need to apply as much.

2. Rinse First with Lukewarm Water – Hair Cleaning and Conditioning

Use Lukewarm Water for the first rinse of your hair. This will help open up your Hair cuticles so the Shampoo can penetrate deeper and remove all the dirt and oil from your hair. This will also serve to absorb the oils and moisture from the conditioner.

3. Mix the Shampoo with the Water – Hair Cleaning and Conditioning

As we mentioned in the section on common mistakes, the scalp is essential. However, we should never apply Shampoo directly on it, but rather mix it with water. This will spread the Shampoo evenly across your scalp and allow you to use less than applying it straight on. Your hair-washing experience will never be the same again by following these simple steps. As you can see, it is not compulsory. To be an expert or spend a fortune and empty our entire plan to have healthy, clean, and shiny hair.


Long hair is an easy choice for many people. This fixes not stop it from being an aesthetic and hygienic commitment since. It requires greater – and more meticulous – care than short hair. The tedious process of washing hair. It has been reason enough, for more than one person to wear it to the shoulders or almost to the hair. Although personal hygiene is a habit we all have, many people do not know how to care for their hair.