Entertainment journalism is also journalism. Even today, the struggle to recognize the branch of art continues—our proclamation for the world’s most privileged trade.

Let us warn the readers. Nothing you will read here is an irrefutable truth, and it certainly doesn’t claim to be. It is a defense full of this journalist’s interests that can only speak with a bias. It’s a personal proclamation on behalf of all of the people who do, write, or subscribe to what we call “entertainment journalism,” which continues to be minimized in the ecosystem of communications professionals today.

The Journalists’ Day Recognizes Values ​Truth

freedom of expression and the need for information as a service to the community. Journalism is allied to politics, economy, society. Investigative journalism includes scientific, police and business journalism. The analysis is a fallback for these themes, and the editorials follow the same line. Even sports journalism enjoys a better position on the podium of the industries that this profession encompasses. It suffices to see that in Córdoba, there is a sports journalism career but not entertainment journalism.


culture or entertainment journalism relegate to the spheres of pseudo-journalism, “pink journalism” (doubly stigmatizing categorization) and often not even call journalism. And while it can respond to many factors, most often it’s because it’s at some point associate with gossip journalism, and the latter with the more frivolous aspects of culture.

Fortunately, many things are changing, and entertainment journalism, cultural management and the specialization of this branch of journalism have evolved. Many communicators choose to do so responsibly and in the interests of cultural dissemination.

It’s entertainment journalism to listen, observe, analyze and enjoy local talent and be part of the necessary effort to spread their art.

A channel for the democratization of culture. It is an integral part of a society that provides its residents with sensitive and tangible tools to develop their thinking.

Is entertainment journalism to present and comment on artistic constructions so that the audience adheres to or discusses their criticism, always starting from a quest to arouse emotion, excite or influence.

Entertainment journalism is About Treating Artistic Creations

with respect and understanding when they result from detailed work, with failures and successes, and when they are not.

It’s also Entertainment journalism, being a gallery and a showcase, and that couldn’t be nobler.

Entertainment journalism is part of journalism and is bound to the same communicative tasks and duties the “better press” professional groups.

But perhaps the best thing about it is that, in most of its content, the journalist can immerse himself in beautiful creations, to be the protagonist of events and artistic acts like no other journalist, and to understand art in the way Picasso The Entertainment journalist approaches the truth, attains accomplished truths and stars within them.

Perhaps on this last point, human pettiness is just a shield against professional jealousy, for the entertainment journalist genuinely enjoys what he is talking.

Associated with leisure, pleasure, art and fun, it is the most likeable face of journalism; and what could be better than dedicating yourself to it in a world of political hegemony, where approaching the truth is also lying.

Happy journalists’ day to all colleagues who do Entertainment journalism!

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