Edible Animals The type of animal abuse that directly harms more animals is their use as food. Many people have never really thought about it and accept that using animals for food is okay and that animals are unlikely to be harmed much.
But the reality is that animals are severely harmed through the loss of their lives and through other harms that come from animal feed production.
Although the use of animals to produce food affects many different species, including birds and mammals, most of the victims are aquatic animals. It is challenging to calculate the total number of fish and other marine animals caught each year. It is usually counted in tons, making it impossible to estimate the exact number of people killed. Many fish and different water life seen, but the most commonly noticed are sardines, herring, cod, anchovies, tuna, flounder, mullet, squid, shrimp, salmon, crab, lobster and sole.
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Fish Farms
After fishing, fish farms and other aquatic animals kill most of the victims of human exploitation. On these farms, the animals endure terrible conditions before being slaughter. Their situation is not much better than the animals on the country farms.
Chickens and Hens
The life of these animals is full of suffering. The vast majority of hens and hens raised to eat their meat or eggs tend to live crammed together in confined spaces. They only see sunlight when they take to the slaughterhouse. Artificial light causes their biological cycles to alter to make their use more economically viable. It also causes them tremendous stress, leading to mutual feather plucking or cannibalism behaviors. It is common for chickens to have their beaks amputated, an excruciating operation usually performed with a blade or other systems.
Cows and Calves
Many people think that killing animals for their meat is terrible, but using them for milk production is not. But that’s not right. The cows’ forced to give birth to give milk, and their calves taken away from them and sent to the slaughterhouse. CCalves are usually kill shortly after birth for their meat. OWS also die young when their milk production is reduce.
On most farms, pigs live in terrible conditions in very little space. Sows use for breeding are lock in cages where they cannot move, and their young are mutilated in various ways and slaughtered when they are only a few months old.
Sheep and Goats
Sheep and goats also regularly bred and slaughtered. They use for various purposes, including their wool and milk and meat production. They are also kill young, some shortly after birth.
Diseases in Fish Farms
Even those concerned about animal welfare often ignore the problematic situation that animals live in on fish farms, despite the significant harm the animals are suffering in these places. A substantial cause of the damage is the many diseases fish can suffer from, which are excruciating to death. In addition, these diseases often transmit to and affect other animals living in the wild. In addition, antibiotics given to animals can harm them through side effects and adversely affect other wildlife.
Diseases Suffered on Farms
The situation of non-human animals living on land farms makes them very susceptible to various diseases. Furthermore, the conditions in which they live contribute to the spread of these diseases to the point that they become massive epidemics. As the carrier density threshold for development is significantly top, these crowded conditions facilitate the spread of such diseases in these animal populations.
A feature of animal exploitation that symbolizes the status of animals as enslaved people is branding. But the damage caused by tagging animals is more than symbolic, as it causes pain and sometimes leads to infection.
The Trip to the Slaughterhouse
The damage animals suffer when they remain sent to death begins before they reach the slaughterhouse, during transport. They confine to extremely uncomfortable rooms, where, among other things, they are under Klima.