Table of Contents
Introduction – Lifestyle Diseases
Lifestyle diseases share similar risk factors as long-term exposure to three modifiable lifestyle diseases behaviours–smoking, unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity. Resulting in the development of chronic diseases. Especially heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and some types of cancer. Chronic illness can result in loss of independence, years of disability, or death and places a significant financial burden on health services.
These diseases – lifestyle diseases are used to consider diseases of industrial countries. They were called “Western diseases” or “diseases of plenty”; however, internationally, they are known as non-communicable and chronic diseases – lifestyle diseases and are part of the group of degenerative diseases.
Fury. The combination of four healthy lifestyle factors–maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, following a nutritious diet, and not smoking–appears to be associated with up to an 80% reduction in the risk of developing chronic diseases, the most common and deadliest. This circumstance reinforces current public health recommendations for healthy lifestyle habits. Since these habits are often acquired during the formative stages of life, it is essential to start teaching important lessons about healthy living early.
However, despite the known benefits of a healthy lifestyle, only a tiny part of adults follow such a routine; in fact, the percentage of those leading healthy lives is falling. Unfortunately, there is very little public alertness of the relationship between health and lifestyle. Many people are not aware that a lifestyle change is an essential factor in the appearance of chronic diseases as causes of increased morbidity and mortality. Lifestyle is generally considered a personal matter. Lifestyles are social practices and ways of life adopted by people that reflect personal, group, and socioeconomic identities.
8 Daily Habits that Harm your Health – Lifestyle Diseases
Skipping Breakfast
Do you not eat breakfast due to lack of time or fear of gaining weight? Error! You will gain weight because you will be hungrier for the rest of the day, and you will make poorer food choices, tending to eat the fattiest and richest in simple sugars. An ideal breakfast is made up of dairy products (milk, yoghurt, chees, carbohydrates (whole-grain bread, whole-grain cereals, and fruit. You can add olive oil, nuts, and lean protein: fat-free ham, natural tuna. Breakfast should constitute between 15-25% of our daily energy.
Fast Food, Snacks
Drinking a vegetable or natural fruit juice or eating four nuts recommends in a healthy diet. They are healthy snacks. Now, if we talk about other types of snacks such as hooks, chips, jelly beans, or high-fat chocolate is clear that they will be harmful to our health.
Eating Late and Poorly
The saying goes: have to Breakfast like a king, lunch like a bourgeois, and dinner like a beggar. Eating late makes you have more problems getting adequate rest because your body will have to digest during your sleeping hours. On the other hand, you will accumulate more “hunger” and eat many more calories than recommended, which you will not burn longer because you will go to sleep. Remember that dinner should not account for more than 20% of the total energy of your diet.
Inactive Life
It is one of the ten foremost causes of mortality, morbidity, and disability and is the second most important risk factor for health after smoking. Inactivity causes your bones to weaken, and you lose muscle mass. You feel weaker, and your chances of getting arthritis, osteoarthritis, or osteoporosis will be much higher in the future. It also favours the appearance of overweight and cardiovascular disease. Still not convinced?
Not Taking Care of your Eyesight
The technological advances of modern life mean that many people are forced to spend a lot of time in front of computers and other electronic devices. This high visual demand, together with environmental factors, has resulted in the appearance of a set of symptoms that describes as computer visual syndrome (VOS).
Always be Stress
Imagine that when your car is neutral, instead of being at 1,000 revolutions per minute, it was at 3,000. What would happen? In addition to spending a lot of gasoline, you would be subjecting the engine to unnecessary stress that would end up damaging it. This is how pressure is for the body. It is good to overcome physical danger, but on a day-to-day basis, the only thing it does is consume the body’s resources without using them for anything useful. And all because you tell your body that you are in danger in situations that, although they seem difficult, do not pose any immediate threat to your survival.
‘Pre-occupy’, as its name suggests, means to take Care of before time, and you should not take Care now of things that have not yet happened. This means that you put your body under stress and your mind to work, and you must not forget that the cells that consume the most energy are the neurons.
Do not Put on Cream
The skin is the barrier that protects you from the environment, and Taking Care of it is taking Care of a fundamental part of your body. The external aggressions produced by the sun, the air, and chemical and environmental agents cause your skin to suffer and dry out.
What is an Inactive Lifestyle?
Being lazy, Not exercising. You might have heard all these phrases, and they mean the same thing, doing little or no exercise. In the United States and worldwide, people are spending more time inactive. We are frequently sitting, either in front of the computer or other device. Watching TV or playing video games during our free time. Many of our works have become more inactive, with long days sitting at desks. The way we transport ourselves does not help us either: cars, buses, and trains.
Causes -Lifestyle Diseases
An inactive lifestyle can be a cause of many chronic diseases. By not exercising regularly, you increase your risk of:
- obesity
- Heart disease, including coronary heart disease and heart attack
- high blood pressure
- high-cholesterol
- stroke
- metabolic syndrome
- Type 2 diabetes
- Certain types of cancer, including colon, breast, and uterine cancers
- Osteoporosis and falls
- Increased feelings of depression and anxiety
- Having an inactive lifestyle can also increase your risk of premature death.
Lifestyle habits are essential in developing pathologies, such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, or cancer, representing one of the biggest health problems in countries like Spain. Most chronic diseases can prevent by controlling some common risk factors – lifestyle diseases. However, false beliefs and specific unfounded claims go in other directions. By eliminating modifiable risk factors, 80% of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes – avoid.
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