Dairy products It involved about 150 million homes worldwide in the production of milk. In most developing countries, milk produced by small-scale farmers contributes to living and household food security and nutrition. It makes milk quick benefits are relatively small producers and an essential source of cash income.

In recent decades, developing countries have increased part of the global milk production. This growth is due mainly to the increase in the number allocated to the production of animals, not productive capital. In many developing countries, poor quality feed, disease resources, and limited access to markets and services (eg, animal, credit and training) health, genetic potential for low-dairy animals for the production of dairy milk production limit. In difference to developed countries, many developing countries have hot climates or wet unfavorable for dairy farming.

Types and Features Dairy Products

Milk produces a varied range of dairy products processors:

Liquid milk dairy product is the most consumed and development and marketing. It includes liquid milk products such as pasteurized milk, infant formula, standardized milk, reconstituted milk, milk stable (UHT) milk and fortified. Fluid milk consumption is decreasing crude increasingly all over the world.

Obtained from the fermentation of milk by using the appropriate micro-organisms to reach the desired pH level. It often use to manufacture veneers and other ferment dairy products. Fermented products include yogurt, Kumis, Dashi, Laban, Ergo, Targa, Aydan, Kurt and Kefir.

Cheese Obtained By Coagulation Of Milk Protein (Kissin) Separate From The Serum.

Hundreds of varieties of cheese occur, many of which feature a feature of specific regions of the world. However, most of the cheese production in developed countries. Cheese can be challenging, semi-solid or soft, matured, or derived. The derivation of the different characteristics of the cheese of differences in the composition of milk and types procedures applied treatment and microorganisms used. Traditional cheeses produced in the developing countries include AYIB and GIBNA Beyda and Chance and Cheese, fresh Alkmaar and Charpy.

Butter And Canceled (Butter Shown) Are Fatty Products Derived From Milk.

Meanwhile, it is obtainer from butter or cream milk shakes; In many developing countries, the traditional butter processing when beating sour milk sour. The manufacture of margarine eliminate water from butter and consumes especially in South Asia. Margarine has a very long life of up to two years.

Clarification expect to heat treatment and concentration. Condensed milk is obtained from partial water removal from whole milk or skim. It can pack milk Mahlo or without sugar, but mostly local. And also In Latin America, for example, condensed milk is used often to cook and bake insets of jam.

Champions heat treatment expected to ensure stability and bacteriological is harmful to milk. It evaporated from partial water removal from milk or whole Al make com. Is mixer milking generally evaporated with another food, such as tea.

It is obtained from the milk powder dry milk which is generally in powder or granules.

Cream Is Part Of The Milk Which Is Relatively Rich In Fat

Firstly, Get a shaking or centrifuge milk. Cream creams combined, reconstituted cream, cream prepared include cream, cream filled with liquid in advance, skin cream, packed pressure, cream Whipped cream or shake, cream and cream uncured acid.

Whey: According to Assata, the serum means “the liquid part of milk that remains after milk made in cheese manufacturing season.

However, ” Serum can be sweet (from the production of cheese curd anticoagulants) or bitter (from the production of cheese acid coagulation).

Therefore, applications critical for human consumption  preparation of cheese serum-based beverages to the serum and drinks serological fermented. Main industrial applications are lactose manufacturing, serum paste powder serum.

Thus, protein is the main protein of milk and use an ingredient in many products, between the cheese and bakery products, paints and adhesives Alost. Obtaining skimmed milk fat by precipitation with lactic acid is necessary to produce bacteria.

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