Dehydration – Introduction, Symptoms, Causes, Risks, and More
Introduction Dehydration happens when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, and your body does not have…
Starvation – Definition, Phases, Reasons, Symptoms, and More
Definition Hunger – a severe lack of caloric energy intake necessary to prolong human life. In humans, prolonged starvation can…
Food Manufacturing – Introduction, Technology, and More
Introduction – Food Manufacturing Food Manufacturing – Since ancient times, food making has been a popular way of producing convenient…
Food Wastage – Information, Reasons, Consequences, and More
What is Food Wastage? Food wastage is associated with the reduction in successive stages of the food chain destined for…
Seasonal Food – Seasonal Products, Consumption, Tips, and More
What is Seasonal Food, and Why to Consume these Foods? Seasonal Food – With globalisation, we have become familiar with…
Junk Food – Introduction, Harmful Effects, Suggestions, and More
Introduction Junk food defines as readily available food, generally inexpensive, and has low nutritional value. Common junk foods include fast…
Protein Powder-Uses, Health Benefits, Side Effects, and More
How Much Protein Powder Should You Take? Protein Powder is recommended daily. Protein intake is around 55.5 g for men…
Traditional Food – Introduction, Benefits, Role, and More
Introduction Traditional food is the production steps performed in a particular area at a national, regional, or local level. They…